Welcome Kimberly!!

Happy Friday everyone! I’m pleased to announce that Hire NW has a new member of the family! After completing her degree in Mental Health and Human Services, Kimberly came to work for our sister program, The Eastside Explorers, in 2014 and quickly became a...

How well do you handle rejection?

Have you ever been rejected from a job? I was speaking with a friend of mine recently who had made it quite a way into the hiring process for a job he’d actually been invited to apply for, down to the final interview as a matter of fact, before being told by the HR...

What is found in Discovery? You are!

Hey there! And Happy Friday to you! I mentioned in a previous post (and I know you’re a faithful follower of every single word I’ve written so far…) I was going to use this platform to discuss information on some of the topics and services that you may engage...

How in the world do I apply for VR??

Happy Friday everyone! First, I wanted to say that our new Facebook page is up and running and I invite you to visit and like our page www.facebook.com/HIRE-NW-1204345442991959/  (Stay tuned for Instagram, but I wouldn’t hold my breath on the Twitter feed. I can...