Who are you encouraging?

Happy Friday!!! One of the best things about this job that I love so much is the constant reminder of the ability to “do”, despite the challenges of life. Finding those ways to overcome; to achieve in the face of seemingly overwhelming obstacles. The number of clients...

An idea too good not to share!

Happy Friday everybody! You ever come across one of those stories that contains such a wonderful idea, it's almost mind boggling someone hadn't thought of it earlier?? The story I've linked to below falls into that category for me. I'm a huge proponent of...

How are you ABLE to save?

Happy Friday everybody! In an earlier blog I mentioned the fact that there are a handful of programs out there to help persons with disabilities maintain a greater sense of financial independence, without losing access to necessary benefits that they wouldn’t be able...

Some Friday inspiration!!

A little reminder;  “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” ― Audre Lorde Have a great weekend, everyone. And don't forget to like us on Facebook!! Best,

Some Friday inspiration!!

A little reminder;  “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” ― Audre Lorde Have a great weekend,...

How well do you handle rejection?

Have you ever been rejected from a job? I was speaking with a friend of mine recently who had made it quite a way into the hiring process for a job he’d...

What is found in Discovery? You are!

Hey there! And Happy Friday to you! I mentioned in a previous post (and I know you’re a faithful follower of every single word I’ve written so far...) I was...

What about my Medicaid benefits??

One of the biggest challenges we have as an agency when trying to work with clients who are receiving disability benefits is the very real concern that they...

Welcome to Hire NW

Welcome to Hire NW

Hello! My name is Garon Primmer and I am the Program Director here at Hire NW. When I was blessed by the opportunity of taking this job, I knew that it would...